Finding a Good Online Poker Site

Playing poker over the internet can be extremely enjoyable, especially if you are a member of a prominent poker sites with many members and larger cash prizes. Unfortunately it can be very difficult to find the right poker sites, with hundreds of them popping up every single year. It is possible to try several poker sites before finding one that pays consistently and is populated with a decent amount of players.
The first thing you'll need to look for is a broad member base, as this is a good indicator that the site is successful and reputable. The popularity of a website is usually a good indicator of it's ability to perform. However, some poker sites will inflate their traffic statistics in order to make themselves look more successful than they are.
Once you have joined a few poker sites you can usually try them out with a free trial period. Take a look around and see if you like the user interface. Every poker site has a different interface, with some of them being more enjoyable than others. If you are unable to enjoy the gameplay then even the most reputable poker site is pointless.
One of my own current favorite is Party or BwinCom Poker, they are big enough, yet not huge. These two belong to the same network and have the same look and feel. Their payouts are not prompt but are usually processed within 12-24 hours. And they have enough tournaments as well as cash games to choose from. And compared to some other poker site, I love the fact that their initial stacks are usually 100k.
The first thing you'll need to look for is a broad member base, as this is a good indicator that the site is successful and reputable. The popularity of a website is usually a good indicator of it's ability to perform. However, some poker sites will inflate their traffic statistics in order to make themselves look more successful than they are.
Once you have joined a few poker sites you can usually try them out with a free trial period. Take a look around and see if you like the user interface. Every poker site has a different interface, with some of them being more enjoyable than others. If you are unable to enjoy the gameplay then even the most reputable poker site is pointless.
One of my own current favorite is Party or BwinCom Poker, they are big enough, yet not huge. These two belong to the same network and have the same look and feel. Their payouts are not prompt but are usually processed within 12-24 hours. And they have enough tournaments as well as cash games to choose from. And compared to some other poker site, I love the fact that their initial stacks are usually 100k.
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Aggressive Poker Playing Tips

In poker there are two distinct styles - passive and aggressive. Both styles have their advantages but the following information should help your aggressive playing skills.

In poker there are two distinct styles - passive and aggressive. Both styles have their advantages but the following information should help your aggressive playing skills.
What does the minimum raise mean?

Lately I play more tournaments than cash games, I love the action, the rush that you get once you make the final table.

Lately I play more tournaments than cash games, I love the action, the rush that you get once you make the final table.
Playing good poker is about making as few mistakes as possible

If your wish is to play good poker and make money playing poker, you need to learn how to make as few mistakes as possible - and it doesn't matter what your are playing, cash game, sit'n'go, or multi table tournament.

If your wish is to play good poker and make money playing poker, you need to learn how to make as few mistakes as possible - and it doesn't matter what your are playing, cash game, sit'n'go, or multi table tournament.
Is patience necessary to play winning poker?

Everyone seems to have their own opinion about that. If you talk to a number of other poker players, you might get several different answers to how much patience you need to play winning poker.

Everyone seems to have their own opinion about that. If you talk to a number of other poker players, you might get several different answers to how much patience you need to play winning poker.
What to do when you're running bad?

We've all been there, we do everything right in our poker play, yet still somehow independent of your perfect choices with your poker starting hands, you still end up losing over and over again.

We've all been there, we do everything right in our poker play, yet still somehow independent of your perfect choices with your poker starting hands, you still end up losing over and over again.