Eifu.org: Poker tips and bonus offers in 2019

If you're into crypto and interested in bitcoin gambling, independent of the fact that cryptocurrency market is probably the most volatile one of all even without gambling, the best bitcoin gambling sites will give you everything you need. If you want to start online gambling with bitcoin, it's no different from gambling with any other currency, you just need to have a cryptocurrency wallet to deposit with. It would also be a smart idea to buy your bitcoin when the market is down, and withdraw your bitcoin gambling... continue reading

Keeping a secret in poker is absolutely crucial, because confidentiality is the only advantage you have over your opponent, especially when you have an inferior hand. Bluffing is a highly effective yet classic strategy that involves making your opponent believe one thing, even though the truth may be the exact opposite, since it would be foolish to speak during a poker tournament, the only way to lie to your opponent is through your facial expressions. In online poker this is not as important, however if you're the... continue reading

If you're playing poker at home for fun, it might seems kind of easy at first, but in reality poker is quite difficult game strategically, and there is a lot of poker terminology associated with it as well. To be able to play it well, it's good to know the terms as well to be successful at poker.
One term you probably knnew before is a hand, a term used to describe the combination of cards in your hand at any given time. Poker is all about card combinations, and as you get more experienced in online poker tourna... continue reading
One term you probably knnew before is a hand, a term used to describe the combination of cards in your hand at any given time. Poker is all about card combinations, and as you get more experienced in online poker tourna... continue reading

Playing poker over the internet can be extremely enjoyable, especially if you are a member of a prominent poker sites with many members and larger cash prizes. Unfortunately it can be very difficult to find the right poker sites, with hundreds of them popping up every single year. It is possible to try several poker sites before finding one that pays consistently and is populated with a decent amount of players.
The first thing you'll need to look for is a broad member base, as this is a good indicator that the ... continue reading
The first thing you'll need to look for is a broad member base, as this is a good indicator that the ... continue reading

For some, poker is just a game, a way to waste some time, entertainment, and to others it is a way to make a living. For those that are serious about making money with online poker, after finding yourself the best online poker site, aggressive playing is the only way to play. Learning how to make money with poker is not something that happens overnight, and a lot of people spend years playing it habitually before they are confident to enter a casino tournament.
In poker there are two distinct styles - passive an... continue reading
In poker there are two distinct styles - passive an... continue reading

Lately I play more tournaments than cash games, I love the action, the rush that you get once you make the final table. Although if you're an okay player, playing cash games usually won't usually take you up to a year to make some money as when you play MTTs. You can go a year without making any real money in MTTs but if you do win a big one, that will more than make up for all your losses.
But in both cash games and MTTs, many people like to min raise, either to open the pot or to reraise after someone has open... continue reading
But in both cash games and MTTs, many people like to min raise, either to open the pot or to reraise after someone has open... continue reading

If your wish is to play good poker and make money playing poker, you need to learn how to make as few mistakes as possible - and it doesn't matter what your are playing, cash game, sit'n'go, or multi table tournament. The poker player who makes the least mistakes has the best chance of making the most money than the one who makes maybe just a few mistakes throughout a cash game session, sng, or mtt. And when it comes to making mistakes, being patient in poker is extremely important.
You can minimize your mistake... continue reading
You can minimize your mistake... continue reading

Everyone seems to have their own opinion about that. If you talk to a number of other poker players, you might get several different answers to how much patience you need to play winning poker.
And obviously it also depends on the game you are playing - SNG, MTT, Bounty MTT, Cash games, or anything else.
And then it depends on if you are playing a turbos, slow ones, hypers or ... how patient you can be depends on lot on the game. But it also depends on how good or bad your poker run is at the time.
And as ... continue reading
And obviously it also depends on the game you are playing - SNG, MTT, Bounty MTT, Cash games, or anything else.
And then it depends on if you are playing a turbos, slow ones, hypers or ... how patient you can be depends on lot on the game. But it also depends on how good or bad your poker run is at the time.
And as ... continue reading

We've all been there, we do everything right in our poker play, yet still somehow independent of your perfect choices with your poker starting hands, you still end up losing over and over again.
Your overpair gets beat by the donkey’s underpair.
Your 9-1 favorite KK gets beat by K9 or AA gets beat by AK.
The list goes on and on.
I don't like talking about bad beats. We all have them and we all give them.
I sometimes get mad sometimes when I take one but then also laugh when I give one. And pray to... continue reading
Your overpair gets beat by the donkey’s underpair.
Your 9-1 favorite KK gets beat by K9 or AA gets beat by AK.
The list goes on and on.
I don't like talking about bad beats. We all have them and we all give them.
I sometimes get mad sometimes when I take one but then also laugh when I give one. And pray to... continue reading